Vote in person at Sorell

Still deciding? Voting in the 2022 Council elections is compulsory and closes at 2pm sharp on Tuesday 25th October.

If you haven’t posted your completed vote by Friday afternoon, you can still lodge your vote in the secure TEC issued ballot box at Sorell Council, 47 Cole Street Sorell during office hours:

8.00am to 4.45pm Friday 21st October

8.00am to 4.45pm Monday 24th October

8.00am to 2.00pm Tuesday 25th October

If you haven’t received a ballot pack or you need a replacement, you can get a new pack by visiting Sorell Council. 

If you cannot get to Sorell Council to vote you can lodge your vote in a secure TEC issued ballot box at another Council office.

For all voting details go to the Tasmanian Electoral Commission website or phone the TEC on 1800 801 701.